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Learn, Re-think and Get Inspired

Below are videos, books and articles for a deeper understanding of our educational approach.


14:56- Disruptive Education

8:27- A virtual tour of Acton Academy

19:15- TED Jeff Sandefer

:55- If a kid asks you a question 

1:03:23- A history of modern schooling

9:37- Developing a growth mindset

2:00- What is heart coherence

1:24 -The sense of wonder

12:58- A day in the life

4:33- What makes a hero

2:14- Why schools need to embrace creativity 

1:58:47- J.P How to educate your children

11:40- Changing educational paradiams 

5:14- The power of imagination 

2:57-Why heart coherence is important

4:06- Nature deficit disorder

"The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn,"

Alvin Toffler Future Shock

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