Frequently Asked Questions
Ages and grades?
Parent and Tot: 18 month up to 4 years of age with parent present on site
Spark Studio: ages 5-7
Discovery Studio: ages 8-13 ( a child can be older if used to mixed aged learning like homeschooling etc.)
Consistent spontaneous learning and mentoring occurs when learners are with mixed ages. This type of configuration also resembles real life more accurately. ​
Membership price?
Spark/Discovery: $600/month for 10 months. $6,000/year. For multiple siblings it is $580/month each, $5,800/each per year.
Parent and Tot: $200/month for 10 months. $2,000/year. Full price for the first child and then $150/month per sibling(s) after.
The membership also includes subscriptions for Discovery learners Core subjects, regular activities for the family, life changing breathing sessions for the parents, drum circle, a time proven phenomenal learning program (Acton), paid dedicated guides (so no parents are filling that role), a beautiful dedicated space, and being able to be a part of a really intentional community!
Please expect a slight cost increase annually to sustain the excellent learning experience and keep up with inflation and other economical factors.
If the child is over 5, they are eligible for enrollment in a government program that can reimburse the family $1,700 per year. You can find out more here at Home Ed 360. Parent is completely responsible for fulfilling all needed requirements.
Enrollment fee?
Nope! No additional fees. ​
How to start?
Come to a tour and read Courage to Grow. Go to the apply button on this website and start the process! You will be guided step by step. Not all who apply will receive an invitation.
Yes! It is an accredited program through Acton and the IALDS.
All programs start Aug and go for a full year. The schedule is 4 days a week, Monday - Thursday. Beginning at 9:00 am and finishing at 12:30pm. Learners who can respectfully self manage, can stay for extended friend play time and play until 2:00pm. 8:40-8:55 am there is a group morning routine. There will be 7 learning blocks each lasting 4-6 weeks followed by a one week break. This will go from mid August till end of May. This is meant to be a full year commitment. If for some reason you found out about us late and want to join, come join!
Montessori or Waldorf accredited?
Vibrant Life incorporates tools from many philosophies but it is not certified through Waldorf or Montessori. It is a certified Acton program.
Middleton Idaho.
No religious affiliation. We preserve the right for families to implement, and teach what they believe. This program does recognize the various religions of the world and the effects religion and spiritual beliefs have had on historical figure's character and in civilizations, and on each individual.